How Do We Start with Why?

Start with Why by Simon Sinek is a great pivot from the business standard of prioritizing what or how (though these are important things to know as well), but I think it can be a little confusing to divide out what why we allow to guide our compass. For instance, my...
Face it till you make it

Face it till you make it

We all know the old adage, “Fake it till you make it.”, but something that has been a recurring theme in my life that I believe has been to my extreme benefit is facing that thing that is eating at your soul but is also somehow evading being brought to the...

Copycats blend in

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been in a meeting and heard the words, “Well, the competition does this and is successful..”, well, let’s just say, I’d have over $100. Lol. Rich! Now, I’m not saying there is anything...