Our Resources for Company Leaders

Leaders are Readers. Here are our recommended reads.

Services Q&A

What is a brand?

The reason why so many people struggle with the difference between a brand and branding is that a brand truly resides in the mind of you and your people. It is the relationship and reputation that you have with your people.

Is a logo a brand?

A logo is not a brand. It is a piece of a company’s branding, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. All of your touchpoints make up your branding.

What is a touchpoint?

A touchpoint is a point of connection between a business and its people.

Here are the generalized buckets we like to organize consumer touchpoints into:
– Website
– Social
– Customer Service
– Pricing
– Design of product
– Advertising
– Storefront

What is a branding coach?

Whether you are a company owner, CEO, or a team leader within the company, company leaders and executives have the great responsibility to not only hold the vision for the company’s future for themselves but also to cast that vision to their people in a way that inspires them forward and gives them the tools they need to connect and see where they fit in the larger vision of the company. On top of this main responsibility, leaders have so many day to day tasks and responsibilities that it can be hard to hold the vision in focus day-to-day.

We offer a space for the leaders we work with to explore their vision and their strengths and weaknesses in leading their people in it.


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