What does a successful hiring process look like?

by | Oct 6, 2021

Salary transparency on job postings is starting to become a standard thing across America. It’s now required by law across the entire state of Colorado.

I saw a thread conversing on this topic recently where a no-doubt irritated CEO stated in reply, “Should requested salary be in the CV?”

To which someone brought up this thought.

Is the employee or the employer the buyer in the hiring process?

We say yes.

The employee has to “buy” into the company’s vision over another company, and the employer has to choose to invest in the potential employees skills and determine if the employee is like-minded or, at least, amiable to their vision.

The main difference is risk. The company is bearing the risk of paying an employee that may not be able to or could decide not to perform or align with that vision. While on most occasions, the employee can jump ship if the boat is going down, or they simply decide they no longer fit leaving the employer in a lurch.

Ultimately, a successful hiring process is one that focuses on both the employee and the employer. Both have needs that have to be met in order for the employee-to-employer relationship to be a good, long-lasting one.

A company must have a current vision for the company as a whole and where the new employee fits into that vision, and the potential employee must determine whether that vision interrupts or lines up with the vision they have for their life.


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