Mid-year Review of 2024 Branding and Marketing Trends

by | Jul 10, 2024

It sure is getting hot this July, and as the temperature rises let’s look at the trends that have risen with it. As we reach the midpoint of 2024, it’s a great time to reflect on the branding and marketing trends that have shaped the industry so far. Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses looking to maintain a competitive edge. In this review, we’ll explore the key trends that have emerged and the impact they could have on your business.

Storytelling and Emotional Branding – Strong connections drive loyalty

A key trend in 2024 is to focus on storytelling in advertisements and campaigns to create an emotional connection with the audience. The brand uses their mission, vision, and values to craft a narrative that their audience can relate to. This goes beyond traditional advertisements that typically focus solely on product features, and creates a more personal experience with the viewer.  


  • Builds long-term loyalty and trust
  • Increases brand recognition
  • Differentiates the brand

Emphasis on Authenticity – Purpose beyond Profit

As the purchasing power of Gen Z and Millenials increase, many consumers don’t buy products or services just because of functionality, they purchase based on what the company supports. Whether it’s their sustainability practices or support on social issues, modern consumers are more inclined to support companies that exhibit similar beliefs and are transparent about their practices. 


  • Enhances brand loyalty
  • Builds trust and credibility

AI and Virtual Reality – New technology leads to improved efficiency and customer experience

Another big trend in 2024 is the implementation of AI, virtual and augmented reality in development, marketing, and customer support. AI can be used for ChatBots related to customer service, continuous improvement, and personalization in marketing communications.Virtual and augmented reality provides many ways to interact with customers through immersive experiences and personalized visualizations of products and services. 


  • New revenue streams
  • Enhanced brand experiences
  • Improved customer experience increasing loyalty

Short-form Videos and Live Streaming – Video content continues drive engagement

Video content continues to reign supreme in 2024. Short-form videos, live streams, and interactive video content are engaging audiences more effectively than ever before. With platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, short and simple is key to engage with viewers and keep their attention in the overwhelming media landscape. These platforms are driving this trend, pushing brands to create visually compelling and concise content.


  • Higher engagement
  • Increased reach
  • Creates a personal relationship with consumers increasing loyalty

Bold Minimalism – The timeless aesthetic of minimalism combines with the vivid and extravagant maximalism

Minimalism is a timeless graphic design trend that may never truly go out of style. Its simplicity makes communication clear and easily understood no matter where it’s placed. Recently, brands have started to add maximalist design elements to make a striking visual impact. These designs have the foundation of minimalism with an extravagant flare to capture more attention and create personality. This approach aims to balance simplicity with personality, avoiding clutter while still capturing attention.


  • Differentiates the brand
  • Creates visual interest
  • Versatility in use across a variety of mediums

2024 has seen many developments so far between storytelling, authenticity, new technology, videography, and new design aesthetics. As this year continues, it’s important to stay adaptable and innovative to keep up with the ever-changing market.

Branding professional Chattanooga

A note from the author

Samantha A. Goggans

Founder & CEO at Mark'd by design, LLC

Hi, there! I'm Sam, Founder & CEO of Mark'd by design, LLC. We are a small branding agency based in Chattanooga, TN, with big dreams to help people from all over the US design magical experiences for their people. Interested in learning more? Let's grab coffee!


Mark'd by design

defined as: Everything done with a level of intentionality and thoughtfulness towards the end user


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